Using Web Design to Create a Special Experience for Your Website Visitors

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When you think of web design you probably think in simple terms of functionality and effectiveness, but have you ever considered taking a different approach to the creation of your website? A website with a good web design can do many things, from making the brand’s website user friendly to effectively informing customers about what makes the brand special. However, a website that is truly special can do absolutely great things.

Case in point, The New York Times recently highlighted the website of a grocery market in San Francisco that took web design to a whole new level. The Bi-Rite Market instead of creating a a functional e-commerce website that was just like the ones their competitors had, they created a site that made visiting a special experience, just like visiting their market in person would be like. Take a look at the article “With Redesign, a Special Retailer Tries to Create an Equally Special Web Site” to find out how Bi-Rite Market turned their site’s web design into a truly one of a kind experience that lingers in the minds of customers long after they have visited their website.

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